出版社:株式会社 大航海
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After sublimating her desires with her boss, Tachibana, who was in his early forties, Chika suddenly was told, “I want you to end this. Please let this be the last time.” The 29-year-old Chika didn’t want much. She only wanted to meet him once a week at a hotel and be hugged – Chika always came second. The owner of her part-time job, the lecturer from her college days… all the men who licked her body had a certain partner. The same goes for Tachibana. When his ex-wife died, he didn’t choose Chika as the one to remarry. When a home party was planned at Tachibana’s house, Chika went there with her colleagues who knew nothing. There, Makoto, the beautiful son of Tachibana’s ex-wife, saw her lasciviousness… Where does this woman’s passion end?
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